Saturday, December 27, 2014

Thai-Inspired Pumpkin-Sweet Potato Soup

Thai-Inspired Pumpkin-Sweet Potato Soup

In skillet, sauté until tender:
1/4 c. butter
2 lg. leeks
1 md. onion
2 T. minced garlic

Add to skillet and heat til tender and fragrant:
4 heaping t. red curry paste (1/2 jar of Thai Kitchen paste)
2 t. coriander
1 t. turmeric
1-2 t. ground ginger
2 T. fish sauce
2 T. molasses
1-2 T. lime juice
1 lg. pear, peeled and sliced

Add all skillet ingredients to food processor and blend until smooth.

Add the following to processor and, again, blend until very smooth:
Flesh of 1 XL baked sweet potato
1 lg. can pumpkin puree
1/4-1/2 c. crystallized ginger

Transfer mixture from processor to a medium pot/saucepan.  Add:
2 c. chicken broth
Salt & Pepper to taste

When serving, garnish with:
Cilantro leaves
A dollop of whipped or coconut cream
A dollop of Vietnamese garlic chili sauce

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