Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Local Fare: Pad Thai

A co-worker recently told me of a Thai restaurant in my neck of the woods, whose opening last June somehow completely escaped me.  I  headed there immediately to perform my usual litmus test for Thai restaurants...Panang Curry.   I gotta tell you, Pad Thai is my new go-to for panang.  It was perfect.  Just to make sure I wasn't misjudging, I've been back 3 times now and I can assure you it was no fluke!

This little hole in the wall (across from St. Anthony's in an unobtrusive strip mall) is well-appointed, the staff is friendly and helpful, and the menu and food are fantastic.  Give 'em a go!  You'll never have to drive down to Grand Ave again just to get some legit Thai!

NOTE: I first reviewed Pad Thai in February.  Since then, my boys and I have been there with such regularity that they know us by name.  I will review other dishes of theirs in upcoming posts.

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