Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sweet Whiskey Reduction

To please my sons, I made an attempt to reproduce TGIFriday's Jack Daniels sauce, and came up with this.  It is not an exact reproduction, but it is good enough to repeat, and the boys were satisfied.

Sweet Whiskey Reduction

1 1/2 c. whiskey (or other suitable liquor - I used the last bit of Glen Livet, the last bit of Jameson, and made up the rest with Old Ezra obviously, we're not talking rocket science here!)
1 1/2 c. fruit juice ( I used apple...some claim the original uses pineapple but I had none on hand)
2 1/4 c. brown sugar
3 cubes beef bouillon
2-3 T. Franks hot sauce
4-5 T. worcestershire sauce

Bring all ingredients to boil in a saucepan.  Let boil for 30-45 minutes, until reduced by about half.

In the meantime, in skillet, sauté on high until soft and slightly charred:
2 T. oil
1 sm. onion, finely diced
2 T. fresh minced garlic

Add to boiling whiskey sauce for 10+ minutes.  

Serve with any beef, pork, or poultry.  Tonight we had it with shredded beef, broccoli, and rice.

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