Saturday, December 1, 2018

Indian Spice Butternut Squash Soup

Indian Spice Butternut Squash Soup
Serves 4

Double roast the squash.
1st roast: 
Place 1/2 squash face down in a roasting pan with about 1/4" of water, then roast at 350 degrees until flesh is fork tender (35-45 minutes).

2nd roast: 
Remove flesh and place in a dutch oven.  Stir in 2-4 T. coconut oil and return to oven.  Roast for another 20-30 minutes, until edges are slightly browned.  

Puree the squash in a blender or processor til flesh is smooth.  Transfer to a soup pot and stir in the following:

4-5 T. yellow curry paste
1/2-1 T. garam masala spice blend
1/2-1 T. tandoori spice blend
4 c. water
3-4 T. chicken base

This one has deep, complex flavors plus a bit of a kick.  Bon appetit! 

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